At the beginning there was an old devastated apartment needed reconstruction. In area of 51 m² the task was to solve the lack of storage space and do not fill the space with wardrobes. For the maximum usage we designed customized furniture.
In December issue of the a magazine Pekné Bývanie - Kuchynský špeciál [Nice living - Kitchen special], you can find two realizations from us. First one is Multimedia kitchen in the article "Správne dimenzovaná" [Proper sized] on pages 22 - 25. The second one is our mansard kitchen inside an article "V kuchynskom podkroví" [In a kitchen mansard], pages 96-97.
In September issue 2011 of the magazine Môjdom [My House] you can find the article "Premyslený do detailov" [Sophisticated into the details] with an interior from our production - Luxury flat reconstruction in Ružinov in Bratislava on pages 16-27.